Friday, July 2, 2010

Hockey's Summer Valley

BBM Canada has released its top 30 ratings for the week ended June 27, 2010, and neither the NHL Awards Show (CBC) nor the NHL Entry Draft (TSN/RDS) made the list.

In English, the 30th most-watched show for the week was The Bachelorette on City-Tv with an audience of 906,000. That means that both the NHL Awards Show and NHL Entry Draft drew less than 906,000 on their respective English-language networks. In French, RDS' coverage of the NHL Entry Draft was unable to beat 30th-ranked Un gars, une fille (a Radio-Canada repeat, from well over a decade ago) and its audience of 478,000.

None of this is really surprising. Too much time had elapsed since Chicago's Stanley Cup win and interest for hockey in late June - even in Canada - is not at the top of the charts. And so, it being now July, this blog will go on hiatus for the summer and will return in September in preparation for the start of the 2010-2011 NHL Season. Until then, enjoy the summer!